The portal includes more than 400 refereed journals in different subject fields related to Humanities and Social Sciences. This platform also contains other types of publications: research works (over 3000 to date), handheld encyclopedias (“Que sais-je?” and “Repères”), and magazines. covers all fields of Arts and Humanities, Economics and Management, Law, History, Criminology and Political Sciences, Sociology and Psychology.
ClinicalKey provides access to Elsevier's current medical and surgical content including: First Consult, top journals, best-selling medical and surgical books, thousands of medical videos, millions of images, and much more content across 12 distinct content types. All of this content is then semantically enriched using Elsevier's proprietary medical taxonomy – EMMeT. ClinicalKey is designed with the physician’s workflow in mind. It allows you to share the clinically relevant answers you find. The presentation maker uses simple drag and drop tools to build a presentation worthy of sharing with colleagues, complete with citation and copyright information.
Credo Reference is an online, cross searchable, full text suite of encyclopedias, dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, guides, companions, atlases, chronologies, Who's whos and other reference resources. Credo brings the facts alive with images, sound files, animations, videos and much more to help you find speedy, simple answers and authoritative, in-depth articles.
This package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary e-books representing a broad range of academic subjects. Offering more than 170,000 multidisciplinary e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses and academic publishers.
Provides complete archives of scholarly core journals, which have been digitized, starting from the very first issue. Date coverage of JSTOR is based on a "moving wall" of three to five years between the date of the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of the journal.
ProQuest Central is the largest multidisciplinary database totaling more than 12,000 titles, with over 9,000 titles in full-text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets. Over 160 subject areas are covered extensively in this product including core subject areas such as: Business and Economics, Health and Medical, News and World Affairs, Science, Education, Technology, and more.
Includes references to U.S., Canadian, British, and other European dissertations and theses, with detailed abstracts Access to citations and abstracts for every title in the Dissertation Abstracts database. Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text. The database includes citations to dissertations from 1861 to those accepted last semester Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from 1980 forward have abstracts.
Universalis Encyclopaedia is a well-known French encyclopedia written by specialists. The online version allows research in both the title and the body of the articles. In addition, it offers multimedia content and topical articles.
UpToDate is the premier evidence-based clinical decision support resource, trusted worldwide by healthcare practitioners to help them make the right decisions at the point of care. It is proven to change the way clinicians practice medicine, and is the only resource of its kind associated with improved outcomes. To use UpToDate Anywhere, follow the steps below: 1- Register: Click on “Log in/Register” on the UpToDate log in page and follow the process. You will receive a confirmation email about downloading the free UpToDate Mobile App. 2. Download the app 3. Login and go: The first time you access the UpToDate Anywhere app, you will login with your UpToDate username and password. You now have access to UpToDate from any web browser and on up to two mobile devices. Note: 90-Day Re-verification Required: access UpToDate within the USEK campus network at least once every 90 days.
PressReader gives you access to thousands of newspapers and magazines, extracting text and images and making articles instantly translatable, searchable, and easy to read on mobile devices.