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Iliya F. Harik 1934-2007: Articles and Chapters by Harik

This guide provides access to primary sources and materials available at USEK Library. It serves as a starting point to find resources for searching the life of Iliya F. Harik, publications about and by him, media, quotes etc..

  • Communalism and national cooperation in Lebanon. In Barbara Freyer Stowasser, The Islamic impulse. London: Groom Helm in association with Center for Contemporary Arab studies, Georgetown University, 1987.
  • Conseil de cooperation du Golfe. In Sadok Belard and William Zartman, Les experiences d’integration regionale dans les pays du tiers monde. Tunis: CERP-CEMAT, 1993.
  • Continuity and change in local development policies in Egypt: from Nasser to Sadat. International Journal of Middle East Studies, v. 16, n 1 (1984), p. 43-66.
  • Democracy, Arab exceptionalism, and social science. Middle East Journal, v. 60, n 1(1980), p. 27-48.
  • Democratic thought in the Arab World: an alternative to the patron state. In Charles E. Butterworth and William Zartman, Between the State and Islam. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  • Individualism, communalism, and the quest for democracy. In Hazim Saghiyah, The predicament of the individual in the Middle East. London: Saqi, 2001.
  • Palestinians in the diaspora. In Gabriel Sheffer, Modern diasporas in international politics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986.
  • Pluralism in the Arab world. In Larry Jay Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, The Global Resurgence of democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
  • Pluralism in the Arab World. In Nicholas S. Hopkins and Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Arab society: class, gender power and development. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2006.
  • Pluralism in the Arab world. Journal of Democracy, V. 5, n 3, (1994), p. 43-56.
  • Political Elite of Lebanon. In George Lenczowski, Political elites in the Middle East. American enterprise Institute for public policy Research, 1975.
  • Privatisation et developpement en Tunisie, Maghreb-Machrek, n 128, 1990, p. 5-26.
  • Subsidization policies in Egypt: Neither Economic Growth nor distribution. International Journal of Middle East Studies, V. 24, n 3 (1992), p. 481-499.
  • The Economic and social factors in the Lebanese crisis. In Saad Eddin Ibrahim & Nicholas S. Hopkins, Arab society: Social science perspectives. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1985.
  • The ethnic Revolution and political integration in the Middle East. International Journal of Middle East Studies, v. 3, n 3 (1972), p. 303-323.
  • The Great Family Aghas of Turkey. In Iliya Harik and Richard T. Antoun Rural (Eds), Politics and social change (pp237-266). Bloomington: University of Indianan, 1972.
  • The Iqta’ system in Lebanon: a comparative political view. Middle East Journal, v. 19, n 4 (1965), p. 405-421.
  • The Maronite Church and political change in Lebanon. In Leonard Binder, Politics in Lebanon. New York: Wiley, [1966].
  • The Maronites and the future of Lebanon: a case of communal conflit. In Steven R. Dorr and Neysa M. Slater, Security perspectives and policies: Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and the Palestinians. [Washington, DC]: Defense Academic Research Support Program, 1991.
  • The Origins of the Arab State system. In Ghassan Salamah, The Foundation of the Arab State. London: Routledge, 2002.
  • The Origins of the Arab State System. In Giacomo Luciani (Ed), The Arab State. London: Routledge, 2016.
  • The Political elite as a strategic minority. In Fuad Ishaq Khuri, Leadership and development in Arab society. [Beirut]: American University of Beirut, 1981.
  • Toward a new perspective on secularism in multicultural societies. In Theodore Hanf & Nawfal Salam (eds), Lebanon in Limbo: postwar society and State in an uncertain Regional Environment. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2003.

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