Iliya F. Harik 1934-2007: Articles and Chapters by Harik
This guide provides access to primary sources and materials available at USEK Library. It serves as a starting point to find resources for searching the life of Iliya F. Harik, publications about and by him, media, quotes etc..
Communalism and national cooperation in Lebanon. In Barbara Freyer Stowasser, The Islamic impulse. London: Groom Helm in association with Center for Contemporary Arab studies, Georgetown University, 1987.
Conseil de cooperation du Golfe. In Sadok Belard and William Zartman, Les experiences d’integration regionale dans les pays du tiers monde. Tunis: CERP-CEMAT, 1993.
Democracy, Arab exceptionalism, and social science. Middle East Journal, v. 60, n 1(1980), p. 27-48.
Democratic thought in the Arab World: an alternative to the patron state. In Charles E. Butterworth and William Zartman, Between the State and Islam. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Individualism, communalism, and the quest for democracy. In Hazim Saghiyah, The predicament of the individual in the Middle East. London: Saqi, 2001.
Palestinians in the diaspora. In Gabriel Sheffer, Modern diasporas in international politics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986.
Pluralism in the Arab world. In Larry Jay Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, The Global Resurgence of democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
Pluralism in the Arab World. In Nicholas S. Hopkins and Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Arab society: class, gender power and development. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2006.
Pluralism in the Arab world. Journal of Democracy, V. 5, n 3, (1994), p. 43-56.
Political Elite of Lebanon. In George Lenczowski, Political elites in the Middle East. American enterprise Institute for public policy Research, 1975.
Privatisation et developpement en Tunisie, Maghreb-Machrek, n 128, 1990, p. 5-26.
The Economic and social factors in the Lebanese crisis. In Saad Eddin Ibrahim & Nicholas S. Hopkins, Arab society: Social science perspectives. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1985.
The Great Family Aghas of Turkey. In Iliya Harik and Richard T. Antoun Rural (Eds), Politics and social change (pp237-266). Bloomington: University of Indianan, 1972.
The Iqta’ system in Lebanon: a comparative political view. Middle East Journal, v. 19, n 4 (1965), p. 405-421.
The Maronite Church and political change in Lebanon. In Leonard Binder, Politics in Lebanon. New York: Wiley, [1966].
The Maronites and the future of Lebanon: a case of communal conflit. In Steven R. Dorr and Neysa M. Slater, Security perspectives and policies: Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and the Palestinians. [Washington, DC]: Defense Academic Research Support Program, 1991.
The Origins of the Arab State system. In Ghassan Salamah, The Foundation of the Arab State. London: Routledge, 2002.
The Origins of the Arab State System. In Giacomo Luciani (Ed), The Arab State. London: Routledge, 2016.
The Political elite as a strategic minority. In Fuad Ishaq Khuri, Leadership and development in Arab society. [Beirut]: American University of Beirut, 1981.