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LEAN Library Access Browser Extension: Step by Step

To have quick and simple access to all of USEK Library’s digital content use the LEAN Library Access Browser Extension

Step 1: Download and install the extension

1. Go to Lean Libray website:;

2. Click Download;

alt="download Lean Library"

3. A new page appears; Click Add extension;

alt="add lean library extension"

Step 2: Select Holy Spirit University of Kaslik

1.  Select “Holy Spirit University of Kaslik” from the list of institutions;

2.  Click Save;

alt="choose institution page"

4. The browser extension shows an icon in the bookmarks bar. It works almost like a traffic light;

  • If the icon is green, then you have access alt="green icon"
  • A grey icon means that access is denied alt="grey icon"
  • If the article you’d like to use doesn’t seem accessible, LEAN Library Access will automatically check for open access versions of this article.

Step 3: Start searching!

1. Go to your Browser;

2. Choose a search term;

3. If the item is available among USEK library Digital collection, the Lean Library icon turns into Green;

alt="lean library browser extension"


4. Select the title;

5. You will be redirected to USEK libray off campus login page;

6. Login with your USEK credentials and access your article for free.