This guide is intended to serve the professional development of library staff.
Use the tabs above to browse the upcoming live webinars divided by category.
In addition to the live webinars, you can access the archives and the recorded sessions of wide range of associations listed below:
You can register to the below listservs that help you to connect with peers with similar interests and give you the opportunity to ask questions and make requests, share resources and information, and discuss issues of common concern.
Professionals interested in interlibrary loan, document delivery & resource sharing.
Access Services Interest Group.
List of email discussion groups pertaining to resource sharing concerns.
This listserv is intended for Metadata Librarians, Digital Librarians, Metadata Architects, Information Architects, and other professionals working in cultural heritage institutions and the information sciences. - For cataloguing.
ALA - for Metadata. - for Metadata.
The Web4Lib electronic discussion is for the discussion of issues relating to the creation, management, and support of library-based World-Wide Web servers, services, and applications.
A moderated listserv in which acquisitions librarians and others interested in acquisitions work for all material types may exchange information and ideas, and find solutions to common problems.
An open forum for all topics relating to archival theory and practice.
Technical services librarians and catalogers.
A moderated list for the discussion of issues related to the licensing of digital information by academic and research libraries.
ERIL's purpose is to provide a forum for discussion of the practical aspects of handling electronic resources and for sharing experiences among ER librarians
ALA rusa-l - Reference and User Services Association List.
ACRL Digital Scholarship Section (DSS) Digital Collections Discussion Group.