On Google Scholar search page:
1. Enter your search term;
2. You will get a set of results listed according to what Google considers to be the most relevant.
3. Look for [Get it @ USEK] on the result list. Click on it to be redirected to the full text provided by USEK Library. Please see Library Links set up tab to set up your Library link.
4. Look for [DOC], [PDF] or [HTML] on the result list. When you see one of these options, just click on it to get the full text.
5. If you don't see [Get it @ USEK], [DOC], [PDF] or [HTML] on the result list, look for All versions--there may be a free full text version there.
6. If you still have not found the full text, look for Related articles under your article to see if articles on the same topic are available with full text.
7. Cited by provides you with the number of times an item has been cited and links to articles that cited the work.
8. Any time, Since... and Custom range: allows you to limit results to a date range.
9. Sorting: allows you to sort results by relevance or by date.
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