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RefWorks: Organize your References

Organizing your References

'Projects' Feature: allows you to create separate spaces for each type of research.

. To create a new project, go to 'Untitled Project', at the 'Top Navigation Menu'. and click on 'Manage Projects'.

alt="screenshot of untitled project feature to create a new project"

. A new page appears to 'create a new project'; assign a name to your project and click on 'save';

. A new project will be added to your 'Project list';

alt="screenshot of create new project window"

. When importing references, you will be asked to select a 'project' from your project list;

. Choose a specific project and click on 'import';

alt="screenshot of when importing a new reference to add it in selected project"

alt="screenshot of the selected project and the imported reference within"

. To delete a project, go to 'Untitled Project', and select 'Manage project';

alt="screenshot of manage project option"

.Within 'Manage project'; go to 'Actions'; scroll down and click on 'Delete'; the project will be deleted immediately.

alt="screenshot of within manage project that has delete option to delete a project"


'My Folders' Feature: allows you to organize your references by creating folders and placing those references within. 

. To begin the process of creating a folder, go to the left sidebar; click on 'My Folders'; and then select '+Add Folder';

. Assign a name to your Folder and click on 'Save'.

alt="screenshot of my folders feature to create a new folder"

. You will be redirected to the new folder with zero citations. 

alt="screenshot of within a folder"

. To add references to your folder,  go to 'All Documents' or 'Last Imported' and select the citations you want to add to your folder. Make sure that the items you want to move are selected;

. Go to 'Assign to Folder'; scroll down to find the created folder; select it and click 'Apply'.

Note that you can create a new folder from 'Assign to Folder' tab also.

. To ensure that the references have been added to the selected folder, go to 'My folders' at the left sidebar; scroll down and click on the folder; it will open with the selected references within.

alt="screenshot of selected folder to ensure that the references have been added"

. You can also remove folders. Open the folder you wish to delete and click on 'alt="3 dots icon" icon' to open the drop-down menu, then click 'Delete'.

alt="screenshot of how to remove a folder"